Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Response to Brian Cable

Brian Cable’s “The Last Stop” was not very interesting to me, but it was very well written and I was able to get a very good picture of the Funeral Home he was describing. Throughout the profile he was very descriptive and clear on what he was talking about whether it be the outside of the building or the mortician that was in charge of all of the dead bodies. There was only one entertaining part in the story to me, and that was when he touched the dead body. I would never do something like that, but he describes it well and you can imagine what it would be like to do it as well. Also, his topic for the profile was good because not very many people know what exactly goes on inside a funeral home, so that was the other part that was interesting to me. Overall, Cable’s profile is a good example of what a profile should be written like and I hope I can come up with a topic better than a funeral home but still have written as well as his.

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