Monday, September 22, 2008

Response to Dillard and Brandt

I really enjoyed Annie Dillard’s An American Childhood because it was a story that I could relate to, because I think we all have had that feeling that she describes when she is running from the older man, the excitement and joy of trying to get away from being “caught,” and getting into trouble. Also, she moves the story along at a fast pace, but she uses little if not any dialogue throughout the story which I though was impressive. In addition, her imagery is very vivid when she is describing everything she passes while trying to escape. This was my favorite of the two stories. Calling Home, by Jean Brandt was also something that was very intriguing because she describes being searched by the police as embarrassing but also exciting. She views this event as if it were a movie and questions why were the criminals in movies portrayed as frightened and regretful because to her it was fun, and at the same time fears confronting her parents more than anything else, even jail. This story also moves at a fast pace but does with dialogue as contrasted by Dillard’s An American Childhood. Overall both of there stories well written and are enjoyable due to the ability to relate to the subject.

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